
Canadian Zodiac Signs

Created by Charles Moffat, a Canadian Artist/Writer.

Many years ago, before my grandfather's grandfather's time, the Great Spirit looked down and saw a group of animals on the side of a ice-covered river. The animals were arguing over who was the best. Polar Bear was the biggest, Loon and Goose could both fly, Gray Wolf was the best hunter, Fox and Coyote were arguably the smartest/wisest, and so on. Great Spirit didn't want the animals to argue, so instead he decided to hold a contest to settle the dispute. He explained to the animals, that each animal during their time and place is the best. Sometimes Polar Bear is the best, and sometimes Muskrat is the best. He declared that the animals should race across the icy river, and whatever the order they arrived in, that would be the order in which they are best.

  • Muskrat
  • Caribou
  • Gray Wolf
  • Hare
  • Polar Bear
  • Coyote
  • Moose
  • Grizzly
  • Fox
  • Loon
  • Beaver
  • Goose
  • So the animals raced, but the weight of Polar Bear, Moose and Caribou was too much. They crashed through the ice and caused all the other animals to get caught in the icy cold water too. Beaver is a good swimmer, but he isn't used to the cold water because he usually sleeps in the winter. Polar Bear didn't mind the cold, but he was a very slow swimmer. Goose had been trying to fly across the river, but when the ice broke, he lost his footing and fell into the water too. Muskrat however was skilled at jumping. He jumped on top of the other animals and used them like stepping stones to cross over to where the ice was not broken. Then he ran safely to the other side. The rest of the animals followed more slowly. Goose came in last because it takes a long time for him to speed up to the speed necessary for him to fly. The final order of the animals was: Muskrat, Caribou, Gray Wolf, Hare, Polar Bear, Coyote, Moose, Grizzly, Fox, Loon, Beaver and Goose.

    Year of the Muskrat

    1912, 1924, 1936, 1948, 1960, 1972, 1984, 1996, 2008

    People born in the Year of the Muskrat are noted for their charm and attraction for the opposite sex. Maybe they smell good or maybe they are blessed with a beautiful body and the charm to match. They work hard to achieve their goals, acquire possessions, and are likely to be perfectionists. They are basically thrifty with money. Muskrat people are easily angered and love to gossip. Their ambitions are big, and they are usually very successful.

    Year of the Caribou

    1913, 1925, 1937, 1949, 1961, 1973, 1985, 1997, 2009

    People born in the Year of the Caribou (or Buffalo) are patient, speak little, and inspire confidence in others. They tend, however, to be eccentric, and bigoted, and they anger easily. They have fierce tempers and although they speak little, when they do they are quite eloquent at speaking. Caribou people are mentally and physically alert. Generally easy-going, they can be remarkably stubborn, and they hate to fail or be opposed. If they encounter an obstacle, they must beat it.

    Year of the Gray Wolf

    1914, 1926, 1938, 1950, 1962, 1974, 1986, 1998, 2010

    Gray Wolf people are sensitive, given to deep thinking, capable of great sympathy. They can be extremely short-tempered, however. Other people have great respect for them, but sometimes Gray Wolf people come into conflict with older people or those in authority. They are often willing to fight against even the most dire of odds. Sometimes Gray Wolf people cannot make up their minds, which can result in a poor, hasty decisions or a sound decision that they arrived at too late. They are suspicious of others, but they are courageous and powerful.

    Year of the Hare

    1915, 1927, 1939, 1951, 1963, 1975, 1987, 1999, 2011

    People born in the Year of the Hare are articulate, talented, and ambitious. They are virtuous, reserved, and have excellent taste. Hare people are admired, trusted, and are often financially lucky. They are fond of gossip but are tactful and generally kind. Hare people seldom lose their temper. They are clever at business and being conscientious, and almost never back out of a contract or a promise. They might make good gamblers for they have the uncanny gift of choosing the right thing. However, they seldom gamble, as they are conservative and wise.

    Year of the Polar Bear

    1916, 1928, 1940, 1952, 1964, 1976, 1988, 2000, 2012

    People born in the Year of the Polar Bear are healthy, energetic, excitable, short-tempered, and stubborn. They are also honest, sensitive, brave, and they inspire confidence and trust. Polar Bear people are the most eccentric of any in the Canadian zodiac. They neither borrow money nor make flowery speeches, but they tend to be soft-hearted which sometimes gives others an advantage over them.

    Year of the Coyote

    1917, 1929, 1941, 1953, 1965, 1977, 1989, 2001, 2013

    People born in the Year of the Coyote are deep. They say little and possess great wisdom. They never have to worry about money; they are financially fortunate. Coyote people are often quite vain, selfish, and a bit stingy. Yet they have tremendous sympathy for others and try to help those less fortunate. Coyote people tend to overdo, since they have doubts about other people's judgment and prefer to rely on themselves. They are determined in whatever they do and hate to fail. Although calm on the surface, they are intense and passionate. Coyote people are usually good-looking and sometimes have marital problems because they are fickle.

    Year of the Moose

    1918, 1930, 1942, 1954, 1966, 1978, 1990, 2002, 2014

    People born in the Year of the Moose are popular. They are cheerful, skillful with money, and perceptive, although they sometimes talk too much. The are wise, talented, good with their hands, and sometimes have a weakness for members of the opposite sex. They are impatient and hot-blooded about everything except their daily work. They like entertainment and large crowds of other people like themselves. They are very independent and rarely listen to advice.

    Year of the Grizzly

    1919, 1931, 1943, 1955, 1967, 1979, 1991, 2003, 2015

    People born in the Year of Grizzly are regal, highly skilled and adept at everything they do. They seem to be, at first glance, better off than those born in the zodiac's other years because they have great power, fortitude and honesty. But Grizzly year people are often shy, pessimistic, and puzzled about life. They are usually deeply religious and/or have strong beliefs, yet timid by nature. Sometimes clumsy in speech, they are always passionate about what they do and what they believe in. Grizzly people never have to worry about having the best in life for their abilities make money for them, and they are able to enjoy the creature comforts that they like. Grizzly people are wise, gentle, and compassionate, but their anger is great when it is aroused and they will speak their mind about what really bothers them.

    Year of the Fox

    1920, 1932, 1944, 1956, 1968, 1980, 1992, 2004, 2016

    People born in the Year of the Fox are the erratic geniuses of the cycle. Clever, skillful, and flexible, they are remarkably inventive and original and can solve the most difficult problems with ease. There are few fields in which Fox people wouldn't be successful but they have a disconcerting habit of being too agreeable. They want to do things now, and if they cannot get started immediately, they become discouraged and sometimes leave their projects. Although good at making decisions, they tend to look down on others. Having common sense, Fox people have a deep desire for knowledge and have excellent memories. Fox people are strong willed but their anger cools quickly.

    Year of the Loon

    1921, 1933, 1945, 1957, 1969, 1981, 1993, 2005, 2017

    People born in the Year of the Loon are deep thinkers, capable, and talented. They like to be busy and are devoted beyond their capabilities and are deeply disappointed if they fail. People born in the Loon Year are often a bit eccentric, and often have rather difficult relationships with others. They always think they are right and usually are! They frequently are loners and though they give the outward impression of being adventurous, they are timid. Loon people's emotions like their fortunes, swing very high to very low. They can be selfish and too outspoken, but are always interesting and can be extremely brave.

    Year of the Beaver

    1922, 1934, 1946, 1958, 1970, 1982, 1994, 2006, 2018

    People born in the Year of the Beaver possess the best traits of human nature. They have a deep sense of loyalty, are honest, very hard working, and inspire other people's confidence because they know how to keep secrets. But Beaver People are somewhat selfish, terribly stubborn, and eccentric. They care little for wealth, yet somehow always seem to have money. They can be cold emotionally and sometimes distant at parties. They can find fault with many things and are noted for their sharp tongues. Beaver people make good leaders. They love to build things and make things better for everyone.

    Year of the Goose

    1923, 1935, 1947, 1959, 1971, 1983, 1995, 2007, 2019

    People born in the Year of the Goose are chivalrous and gallant. Whatever they do, they do with all their strength. For Goose Year people, there is no left or right and there is no retreat. Going backwards is not in their nature. They have tremendous fortitude and great honesty. They don't make many friends but they make them for life, and anyone having a Goose Year friend is fortunate for they are extremely loyal. They don't talk much but have a great thirst for knowledge. They study a great deal and are generally well informed. Goose people are quick tempered, yet they hate arguments and quarreling. They are kind to their loved ones. No matter how bad problems seem to be, Goose people try to work them out, honestly if sometimes impulsively.

    The Canadian Zodiac was created by Charles Moffat, a Canadian artist known for his patriotism and his sometimes controversial art pieces. He based the Canadian Zodiac on the Chinese Zodiac, because he felt the twelve year cycle was more symbolic than the 12 month cycle of the Greek Zodiac. Plus most of the Greek Zodiac isn't based on real animals/creatures. Many of the creatures in the Canadian Zodiac can be found on Canadian money and other Canadian symbols. He decided to let caribou and buffalo share the same category because their animal personalities are similar.

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